Latest Features
10 Industrial Albums to Indulge Your Inner Nihilist
I've been a huge fan of the electronic music scene from psychedelic house music to crushing industrial guitars. But these are some of the bands I have loved over the years that let me enjoy being in a dark place and soothed me back out when I needed it. Which seems...
Quick Take: Sorceress (1982)
1982's Sorceress chronicles the journey of two twin girls blessed by the gods as they try to stop a cruel cult leader from taking over the land. With nudity, the introduction of Corsican twin powers almost an hour in, monkey men, a horny faun, and Jim Wynorski writing...
When Generations Become the Worst Aspects of Their Parents
We Were Our Parent's Nightmares; Our Children Are Ours“What did we do back in the day that kids today no longer do?” “What did we have back in the day that kids today no longer have?”These two questions usually start with light and wistful nostalgia and end with the...
Weekly Rewind
Get Daily Drops of Nostalgia
Follow us on social media to get daily drops of nostalgia! At the end of each week, these will be collected into the Weekly Rewind post, but if you are as obsessed with Facebook, Facebook Groups, Twitter, and Instagram as we are, check us out there!
Get Your Nostalgia On!
Arcade, Computer, and Console… and everything else…
A look at some of the games that have made us throw controllers, smile wistfully, and give our younger siblings unplugged controllers so they could feel involved without messing us up. Arcade classics, computer games from bygone eras, and even a few modern retro-remakes, homebrew, and retro developments are thrown in the mix.
Game on!
Movies & TV
Blockbusters, exploitation, and indies!
Take a trip back to some of the films that you loved, hated, never saw, were too afraid to watch, or just had no idea actually existed. Find new things you should have watched, commiserate on films you wish you hadn’t, and look back at some of the movies that inspired us, scared us, and made us laugh growing up.
Snub or lean into your inner movie snob.
People, Places, & Things
A trip down memory lane…
Put on your nostalgia goggles and take a jump back in time, whether it is a toy you always wanted (G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier for me) or an event that shaped our lives (9/11 or the Challenger disaster), there’s something to be found for each generation.
Toss me the nostalgia goggles!
A little bit of this, a little bit of that…
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Read some stuff.
Music is one of the key elements that takes us back to the past in a million wonderful ways.