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King's Quest
Chapter III: Once Upon a Climb
Developer: The Odd Gentlement
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: April 26, 2015
- Windows
- PlayStation 3
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox 360
- Xbox One
King’s Quest – Chapter III: Once Upon a Climb is the third chapter in the Odd Gentlemen’s King’s Quest series. Graham recounts the tale of how he met Valanice. When he climbed the tower, he discovered two princesses, Vee and Neese, who had been trapped by the witch Hagatha.
About the Game
Once Upon A Climb is the third chapter in the Odd Gentlemen’s episodic King’s Quest series.
King’s Quest Chapter 3: Once Upon A Climb Walkthrough – FULL EPISODE | PS4 Gameplay
King’s Quest Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb Review