The Holy Mountain
1973Release Date: 1973
The Holy Mountain (1973) is an experimental film from El Tropo visionary Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Quick Facts
- Full frontal nudity (male and female, male children)
- Some moments of violence against humans.
- Fascist shootings
- Castration
- Some moments of animal violence.
- Toads/Horned toads
- Sheep
- Horses
- Defecation
- It does turn into gold, so that’s a plus…
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Animal Violence
- A diorama with toads and horned toads is blown up during a circus act.
- Dog fighting
- A woman cuts the skin from a horse and eats its flesh.
- Most of the nudity is non-sexual in nature.
- Two scenes of sexual nudity are included: one with a man and his mistress in a limosine, and another with him stripping his mistress naked to have her probe a %22love machine%22 with a large object.
- The Thief is followed by a group of prostitutes in sheer clothing.
- The Thief is followed by a group of naked children near the beginning of the film.
- A throng of children attempt to stone The Thief.
- The Thief and Alchemist have a short, stunted fight where the Alchemist uses karate to disable The Thief.
- A man is attacked and has bones broken before being reborn.
- A man is castrated, and then later, the castrator is also castrated.
Questionable Content
- The Thief urinates on himself as he is laying drunk in the street.
- The Thief defecates into a container, which is then heated by the Alchemist and turned to gold.
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Answer these five questions and then flip the card to see if you got the answers correct!
Note: I have no idea what most of the symbolism in this movie means, so good luck!
- How is reality presented at the end of the film?
- Though alchemical means, poop becomes what?
- What is the most surprising quality about the chaffeur?
- The sailing adventurers draw out a monster from the Thief. What is this monster?
- The Thief destroys a number of statues. What were they representations of?
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Yeah, I think these are right…
- The movie is a movie, and the Alchemist pushes back the camera zoom to show the crew filming the events of the film. The adventurers then leave to continue their quest.
- Gold. Yeah, greed and anti-capitalist leanings. Wealth is literally shit.
- He’s bad at sex. Mindnumbingly bad at it. And violent when he’s bad at it.
- The crippled dwarf that found him with the children at the beginning of the film and has followed him since.
- Him…and Jesus as represented by the corrupt hawkers of religion on the street.
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Alejandro Jodorowsky
The Alchemist
Horacio Salinas
The Thief
Zamira Saunders
The Written Woman
Juan Ferrara
Adriana Page
Burt Kleiner
Valerie Jodorowsky
Nicky Nichols
The Talkies
The Holy Mountain (1973)
Post-Pro Podcast – Episode 38
The Holy Mountain (1973)
Bomb Atomically Podcast Ep. 8
The Holy Mountain
Sideboob Cinema Redux – Ep. 177
The Holy Mountain