The more things change, the more they stay the same. I’m working on Divi and trying to make sure the site doesn’t look/act weird with older and non-Divi templating. That is pretty much impossible at this point, but I’m trying. Divi and the various plugins I’m using seem to be updating things to keep CPU usage at least in check. But between Divi and caching, I was hitting max CPU and space, even if I didn’t have much actually stored or cached… WP 4.7 did some big things with caching engines that ended up with replicated directories. Positive: I had things cached like 10 times. Negative: it was always caching and no one could access the site, including the cached items. Yay.

In reworking the site, I reactivated the posts in Divi…and now they are all over the place since it updated the post times. And so there are things from 2023 that are mixed with 2024, and who knows what else?

I’m thinking a purge and restart again might be the way to go. It was a horrible experience when changing hosts in the past, but this might actually make it better since I have archives of everything that was actually an article or researched piece.